About Us
YSDC Council Information
Our Council is an educational, non-profit organization for the promotion of Square Dancing, Round Dancing, and related folk dance instruction in the Eastern Montana - Northern Wyoming areas. Currently, we have two Square Dance Clubs, and one Round Dance Club located in the Billings area. All of the clubs dance from mid-September to mid-May.
The Yellowstone Square Dance Council got its start in 1952 when dancers and clubs had become so numerous in Billings that coordination and organization were needed.
YSDC clears dates for council and club sponsored square dances, establishes policy in the Billings area, promotes square dancing, and encourages square dance, round dance, and contra dance activities in the area.
A newsletter, the Grapevine, is published monthly and features articles from each club and upcoming events. In addition, a Facebook page has been created with up-to-date information on all of our dance activities. Look for the Facebook icon at the bottom of any page.

First Presbyterian Church
Two of the square dance clubs located in Billings now dance at First Presbyterian Church which is located at the corner of 13th Street W and Poly Drive. The dance area has a wood floor, kitchen, and air conditioning.
Officers and Chairpersons

Dave Nelson

Suzette Fletcher

Ann Hindley
Grapevine Editor

Pat Hastings

Terry Drange
Treasurer and
Insurance Rep

Lorraine Williams
Improvement Board
Callers and Cuers
Larry and Susan Sperry
Round Dance Cuers – Phases 2 thru 6
Cues for the following club in Billings, MT
Website: www.larrysperry.com
Address: 40 Roundup Drive, Billings, Montana 59102
Email: sperryscue@earthlink.net
Phone No: (406) 656-1093
Cell No: (406) 670-3210
Lynn Strobel
Square Dance Caller - Mainstream & Plus
Calls for the following club in Miles City, MT and Billings
Prairie Stars Square Dance Club
Website: lynnstrobel.tripod.com
Address: P.O. Box 1278, Miles City, MT 59301
Email: strobell@midrivers.com
Phone No: 406-234-7384
Cell No. (406) 951-1088
Bob Hogemark
Square Dance Caller - Mainstream thru A2
Calls for the following clubs in Billings
Email: bhogemark@pcsd5.org
Phone No. (406) 633-2571
Hunter Keller
Square Dance Caller: Basic – A2
Round Dance Cuer: Easy – Phase IV
Calls for a variety of clubs in Billings
Email: Hunter@HunterKeller.com
Website: hunterkeller.com
Phone No. (406) 690-2640